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Why organic products are especially important for children?

In the Middle Ages it was believed that the children are little people, nothing special, just smaller. Fortunately, we live in more civilized time and know not only psychological but also physiological features of children. The general picture looks like this: healthy products for children are even more important and harmful - even more dangerous.

Most parents are aware of the proper child nutrition: how to start feeding kids, what can be introduced into the diet when the baby becomes older – these are well-known things. Let's say all products are selected in correct sequence and quantity. And what about their quality? Who knows how bought in the supermarket "nitrate" carrot is able to harm? In case with small children, immunity is only forming.  Besides immunity children’s other neutralizing mechanisms - such as the acidic environment of the stomach- are much weaker. In this regard, we can distinguish three main qualities of organic products: safety, special benefits, and better taste.



More and more people learn that organic products, in difference from mass, are absolutely safe. From what they can protect kids? To understand this, you need to see the effects on the child's body brought by usual mass-produced products. Thus, a child has much lower acidity of gastric juice. Why it is important? First of all, without acid processing almost in original state nitrates are soaked up from vegetables and fruit! They interact with hemoglobin, and depriving him of his ability to carry oxygen. As a result, the child's body experiences a lack of oxygen; it affects sensitive tissues of the heart and brain.

In mass production, the meat can not do without antibiotics (the easiest way to deal with possible animal diseases). That is not so harmful for animals, but very dangerous for kids because getting through meat or milk to the baby, antibiotics destroy the beneficial microflora, which is jet only on the formation stage. As a result, the protective barrier of the body is significantly reduced; there are problems with the digestive tract - swellings, gripes, locks and rashes on the skin as secondary signs of antibiotics ingestion.

Mass producers increase meat weight by means of hormones. The use of such meat is harmful, especially for girls. The main growth hormone used by manufacturers is estrogen, the female hormone.  It also has an effect on boys, but not that important, and the girl's body responds to it very active! This leads to premature puberty. Pediatricians say that mass phenomenon has not spread, but there is a tendency that such cases are becoming more frequent.

Heavy metals and dioxins can also get into the body of a child with food. They are contained in the milk of cows that graze near roads or industrial facilities. So, it may well be known "milk from grandmother," which is checked rather superficially or isn't checked at all. If the adult organism can "absorb" heavy metals, children's one gets allergic reaction. And in the long term period, heavy metals and dioxins, gradually accumulating in the body lead to a general imbalance and a number of potential problems - in particular, violation the metabolism and increase of susceptibility to cancer.

It is hard to imagine what GMOs make with a growing child's body. We are talking about the unpredictable consequences and the safest of them is allergy. The most dangerous for children are  probably pesticides. British scientists recently conducted a study that showed that pesticides during prolonged ingestion may trigger the development of cancer.

According to the research carried out in ecologically adverse areas of Mexico,in the early beginning of puberty (at 1% of girls signs of puberty appear at 3-year age, at 6-7% — in 7-year-old) because of use of the food polluted by pesticides a delay of mental development (it is difficult to four-year-old children to draw the little man) is observed. Danger of mass products to children is much higher, than for adults. And that’s why we have the greater the need to protect our kids. In addition to all of these harmful substances the use of artificial preservatives, colorants, flavors, sweeteners and other process additives in organic production prohibited. In recent years, these substances were often the cause of child allergies.


The organism of the child as the sponge absorbs everything that gets to it. But what it gets with watery accelerated vegetables and fruits? In such products there is much less power of nature — vitamins and useful microcells. And after all for a child it is especially important to receive vitamins in the natural form, so they could be better acquired (synthetic vitamins are not so strong). Organic products contain the full set of vitamins provided by the nature. The BIO - products grow on the pure earth and ripen so as it is necessary. Therefore such products contain more pulp and less water, remain better, longer keeping useful substances. For example, organic salad, spinach, parsley and fennel contain more anti-septic tanks killing harmful microbes. The adult has a strong immunity, and the need for such additional protection is less than in childhood.

In organic carrots there is more beta carotene which is necessary for visual acuity maintenance. And moreover beta carotene, getting to an organism, turns into vitamin A which is responsible for skin maintenance in a healthy condition. Organic potato lasts longer without the formation of solanine - a component because of which it is green in storage. Solanine bad for an adult, but for a child, even in very small amounts can be a reason of severe poisoning.

As for organic meat and milk, there is much less fat in them. It is quite difficult for a child to digest fats because fat creates additional load of a pancreas. There are 4 times more Omega-3 fatty acids, vital for the development of child, in the BIO- meat and 3 times more useful substances in organic milk. The BIO - eggs are more sated with carotinoids and lecithin which participate in formation of nervous system of the child.

Certainly, these are not all qualities of organic (BIO) products which make them irreplaceable for children. But it is enough of them to understand degree of their importance in a diet of the kid.


Organic products are much more tasty, only fans of "fragrances identical natural", if any,  could argue with it. Why so? First, thanks to natural cultivation and natural maturing terms vegetables and fruit manage to be sated with natural aromatic and flavoring substances. Secondly, natural vitamins together with the use present more pleasant taste. Thirdly, these products are less watery and have more flesh, which also provides a more intense taste.

Why is it important? Many parents know how difficult is sometimes to feed the baby. Feeding becomes a real test for the whole family! Organic products are pleasant to children as they have saturated natural taste and aroma. As a rule, they eat such products with great pleasure. And taste is important for the formation of the emotional sphere kids. The more pleasurable, rich taste, the more positive emotions experienced toddler.


The developed civilized countries now make baby food exclusively from organic raw materials. For example, in Germany already more than 95% of baby food is organic. In Munich there is the whole network of supermarkets where all range of organic goods for children is on sale: from food to means of hygiene. In France and Italy, the organic raw material in the production of baby food is also used more actively.

In Russia, the organic (BIO) products for kids are also available. In our online store you can also find products Fleur Alpine - organic baby food premium class created on the basis of the principles of organic agriculture.

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