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Glory to eggs!

We could not ignore such a product like eggs. Boiled eggs or prepared quick fried eggs are integral parts of a modern breakfast. Eggs are quickly prepared, relatively affordable at a price product that is always presented on the shelves of stores.Our ancestors in all centuries appreciated and respected this nutritious product. At all times eggs have been considered an extremely useful and indispensable product. And almost each of us remembers from the childhood a fairy tale about a chicken Ryaba and the golden egg, where the value of the eggs is equal to the value of gold.Unfortunately, despite it, recently numerous dietitians, in fight for healthy nutrition, started exaggerating a question of advantage and harm of eggs that caused appearance of supporters of negative influence of eggs on an organism.There are fears about improbably large amount of cholesterol existed in eggs. Many people for this reason exclude them from the diet. How the situation actually is? How justified is the refusal from eggs, are they useful or harmful? Now is the time to talk about it.

Egg contains a set of nutrients and consists of a full-fledged set of easily acquired proteins.It is a useful source of folic acid, biotin and choline. The selenium being in structure of this product possesses powerful antioxidant properties. By eating just one egg per day, you get about 15% of the daily norm of protein, and amino acids contained in the egg actively work to build new tissues of the human body. In the egg contains large amounts of vitamins, minerals and microcells that are essential for normal functioning. Eggs are rich with vitamins A, E, D, B12, B3, as well as with magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and calcium. But despite the high content of calcium in egg, its assimilation isn't so great. For example, to satisfy daily need of the person for calcium, it is necessary to eat not less than 40 eggs that is, certainly, above the norm. Compared with the meat products, egg loses in iron content, furthermore, the use of raw eggs prevents the absorption of iron from the other products.

There are differences about in what form it is more useful to eat eggs.Some say that almost all the beneficial vitamins and minerals are stored in raw form, and when cooking and frying are destroyed or become defective. Others, discussing about the benefits and harms of eggs, insist that the use of this product without heat treatment is extremely badly acquired by an organism. Thus, to maintain balance of useful properties of the eggs it is desirable to apply it to the lowest heat treatment, but an important condition is that only fresh egg are required.

Is cholesterol in eggs harmful?

Never-ending disputes on advantage and harm of eggs could be explained by existence in this product of cholesterol. This almost only and main argument of opponents of the use of eggs. The cholesterol surplus in an organism can lead to obstruction of vessels, heart attack and stroke emergence.However, all know that cholesterol in limited quantity is necessary for cardiovascular system. Permitted daily norm of cholesterol is 300 mg per day. Perhaps, one egg doesn't block this norm. Therefore, if you have normal holesterol level, you can safely eat one egg a day, but if your cholesterol is high, it is not recommended to have more than 2 - 3 per week.

Uniqueness of egg lies in the fact that egg cholesterol is contained only in a yolk and it isn't so harmful as it is counterbalanced by the substance containing in this product lecithin which, in addition to utilization of fats and the same bad cholesterol, nourishing nerve cells.

Nutritional value of eggs.

When argue about the cons of eggs, you tend to forget about its nutritional value, which is approximately equal to the nutritional value of red or black caviar. Also, one egg is nutritionally equivalent to a glass of milk or a small piece of beef. A balance of vitamins, fat, minerals and protein, making it a valuable dietary product. Egg is the independent and full-fledged food product which percent of assimilation makes nearly 97-98%. It should be noted that for optimum absorption it is desirable to prepare soft-boiled eggs.

Benefits of eggs.
Egg is, above all, a natural source of protein and nutrients, making it almost indispensable food for all of us. Results of the conducted by cardiologists scientific researches showed that cholesterol as part of the egg is harmless to humans.

vitamin E containing in egg structure possesses antineoplastic action, strengthens vessels and heart. Vitamin D in combination with phosphorus is useful to teeth and bone tissue. Egg yolk in excess contains a unique ingredient - the strongest antioxidant lutein. Eating eggs is an excellent prevention of vision problems and especially cataracts. Benefits of eggs for pregnant women, especially aren't subject to any doubt as in them there are all necessary substances for the correct development of a fetus. Eggs, strangely enough, possess low caloric content and, thanks to lecithin and choline, promote a conclusion of fats and cholesterol from an organism that is important for people caring of the weight.

Nutrients and amino acids, in optimum proportions, support important functions of activity of an organism. One more irreplaceable advantage of eggs consists in their energy value which athletes need.

Harm of eggs.

It is necessary to know that if there are eggs in the raw, it is possible to do serious harm to health and to catch salmonellosis. Salmonellosis is an intestinal infection, clinically it occurs quite hard. Accompanied by severe abdominal pain, diarrhea and fever. This diseasecould hardly be treated and only with application of strong antibiotics, lethal outcomes are frequent, especially at epidemics.

Even despite the fact that producers carry out obligatory regular vaccination of birds, trying to reduce minimum risk of distribution of a harmful infection, the question of possible danger is constantly brought up again. Therefore it is necessary to examine attentively eggs before buying, the shell shouldn't have cracks. Try to wash eggs always thoroughly before cooking and do not forget to wash your hands. People who are afraid of this infection often cook eggs for a long time, wishing to destroy a harmful salmonella completely. It's not complicated precautionary measures to reduce the possible risk of contracting salmonella.

The use of eggs, in rare instances, can provoke emergence of a children's allergy. Because in the most cases children up to seven years old have allergy. Of course, if it happened, it is necessary to exclude eggs from the diet of a child or reduce the number of eggs eaten.

How to identify freshness of eggs?

The longer the egg is stored, the lighter it becomes. The easiest way to define freshness of the eggs is to put it in the water. If the egg sinks, it is fresh, aged about 3 - 4 days, and if it flies, holding deep meaning, it is 7-9 days old, but if the egg is more than two weeks old, then it floates slightly higher.

Hold the egg to your ear and shake it, if you hear anything or feel the movement of eggs under the shell, it means that the product is spoiled, fresh egg yolk does not move.

Thanks to the natural protective membrana covering the surface of egg, it could be stored quite well and long (three weeks and even more). For this reason wasing eggs, breaking the protective membrana, isn't recommended before long storage, it is better to clean it before the use.

Some people treat a choice of eggs more simply, consider that if eggs are on sale in shop, means they normal, it is necessary to take. Is it true? Let's find out what is hidden under the label? Believe me, it is very important to know these secret symbols.

According to the accepted norms every egg sold in the store (and produced by poultry) must be labeled. Usually there are two signs.

The first is about shelf life. "D" stands for thr diet egg and should be sold within a week; "C" stands for table egg that should be eaten in 25 days.

Do not buy or eat eggs which have the shelf life of more than a month.

On the second sign we learn category on weight: : higher (B) - the weight of more than 75 grams; selective egg (O) - 65 to 75 grams, the first (1) - 55 to 65 grams, the second (2) - from 45 to 55 grams, and the third (3) - 35 to 45 grams.

Designation "D1" means dietary egg of the first category, and "SB" is egg table of the highest category.

Eggs vary in different categories only in weight, appearance of the shell or the color do not reflect the quality. And the opinion that brown eggs by the size is larger and better, than white, is no more than delusion and visual deception.

How to store eggs?
It is better to store in the refrigerator of egg on the top shelf or in a door, where the necessary temperature of 2-4 degrees is maintained.

If eggs are stored in the refrigerator, fresh ones are stored for a month and boiled ones - no longer than a week. Stuffed eggs can be stored no more than three days, the egg salad only 2-3 days.

You shouldn't forget that on a heat boiled eggs can be spoiled soon. Therefore if you wish to take boiled eggs with you on the nature in the summer, better keep them in the container, and it, in turn, in a thermos bag with ice.

Eggs may be stored in the absence of a refrigerator at home. To do this, they must firstly be greased with vegetable oil and then wrapped up with the paper and put in a cardboard box or basket, then removed to a dark place.

Speaking about advantage and harm of eggs, it should be noted that in their use it is necessary to know when to stop. Daily overuse eating them can lead to negative consequences, but our blog is created to protect your body from unwanted health problems and be your faithful companion in the correct choice of various tasty and healthy products.

Interesting facts about eggs.

Chicken on the average lays one egg per day.

Egg size depends on: the birds breed, weight and age of laying hens. Mature chickens tend to bring larger eggs and vice versa - the young chickens - small and medium-size eggs. It is also proved that the size of the eggs can be affected by other factors, stress, limited space, poor nutrition, low or high temperature in the room, and others.

Black and colored hens lay brown eggs, and white chickens - white. Let's remind that there is no difference in their nutritional value.

Color of an egg yolk depends only on a diet of chicken. Addition in a forage of natural dyes (for example, calendula petals) will give more intensive color to a yolk.

Eggs symbolize new life and revival. Colored eggs are desired entertainment during celebration of Easter week and the holiday of Great Easter.

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